Sunday, November 18, 2012

What is Copyright Law?

The definition of copyright is: Copyright is a legal concept, enacted by most governments, giving the creator of an original work exclusive rights to it, usually for a limited time.
The best place to access direct, reliable information about the copyright law is at

Here they give you detail information about the law, how to not infringe on copyrighting, and how to properly use the copyright law.
  • The copyright law protects the original creator of any document. There are exceptions to the law and they are as follows:
  • Copyright law provides for certain instances in which the consumer (i.e., user) of the copyright-protected work does not have to obtain permission or pay for that use.
  • Copyright is automatic in at least 165 countries, including the US and our neighbors to the north, Canada!
  • In the US the length of a copyright is life, plus 70. This means the copyright is good till the authors death plus an additional 70 years after.

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